
Mediation In Colorado Springs October 18, 2021

There are hundreds of couples who settle their divorce cases amicably every year in Colorado. Divorce is a painful and expensive process for many. Still, if a couple can settle their divorce through the help of a 3rd party, which is the mediator, they will be able to save on cost. The mediation fee is smaller compared to divorce cases…

Grandparents Rights In Colorado October 11, 2021

Spending time with your grandchildren is one of the greatest joys in life. Unfortunately, there are situations that can make it difficult for you to have a relationship with your grandchildren. If this is what you’re going through, it’s essential to know what grandparents’ rights in Colorado are. Situations, such as your child getting divorced, becoming disabled, imprisoned,…

How To Tell My Kids We Are Getting A Divorce October 04, 2021

One of the first questions a separated couple asks is “how do I tell my kids we are getting a divorce.” It is one of the most painful conversations you’ll have. If you’re contemplating getting a divorce, it’s crucial to talk to your kids about divorce before they hear it from other people. Imagine how upsetting it would…

My Wife Filed For Divorce, What Should I Do Next? September 27, 2021

Divorce is emotionally draining for all men. Unfortunately, some men experience so much guilt and despair about divorce that they give in to every demand their wife or their divorce attorney makes, no matter how ridiculous. Thus, if your wife filed for divorce first, it means she has been planning to do so for a while and she has…

My Husband Filed For Divorce, What Do I Do Now? September 20, 2021

Has your husband filed for divorce or are you separated? Whether it is something you and your husband had been discussing or it came as a surprise, seeing those legal papers can be overwhelming. This leaves a lot of spouses wondering, “what happens if my husband filed for divorce first?” Here’s what you should do next: All divorces start from…

Dealing With Depression And Divorce September 13, 2021

Couples get married and hope to be together for their entire lives. Along their way to a happily ever after, one of the couples decides to be unfaithful or what used to be a happy home becomes a war zone when one partner becomes abusive. At times to cope with the stress of everyday life, one can turn…

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If you find yourself wondering what your legal options are in your Tennessee or Colorado family law matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. During our initial consultation, we will quickly address your legal questions and decide on the best way to protect your interests, as well as those of your children.