
The Impact of Wealth on Child Support Arrangements in Divorce June 06, 2023

How Can the Wealth of One or Both Parents Impact the Amount of Child Support Paid Following a Tennessee Divorce? Child support is a complex and emotional topic for many divorcing couples. Most parents have questions regarding how much child support they will receive or be required to pay until their child reaches the age of 18. The…

The Top 5 Financial Considerations in High Net Worth Divorces May 09, 2023

Why is Proper Financial Planning Critical in a High Net Worth Divorce? All divorces can present both legal and emotional challenges. However, high net worth divorces can have their own unique issues that require special attention during the marriage dissolution process. A high net worth divorce has traditionally been defined as a split in which one or both individuals have…

Getting a No-Fault Divorce in Tennessee April 05, 2023

Is Tennessee a No-fault Divorce State? Prior to the 1970s, couples seeking a divorce in most states needed to provide proof that their spouse did not adhere to the terms of their marriage contract in order to legally dissolve their marriage. This type of divorce is known as a fault-based divorce. In contrast, a no-fault divorce does not…

What are the Grounds for Divorce in Tennessee? March 15, 2023

What Are “Grounds for Divorce”? From the court’s standpoint, marriage is a legal agreement between two individuals with ramifications impacting everything from taxes and real estate to support and child custody. A divorce terminates that agreement, allowing the individuals to continue their lives independently. Sometimes, it is necessary to allege one or more grounds for divorce and assess…

Tips for Divorcing a Narcissist March 12, 2023

Why is It So Challenging to Divorce a Narcissist? Living with a narcissist can be a terrible ordeal. Narcissistic abuse and gaslighting may harm your self-esteem and leave you with PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health issues. While removing yourself from the narcissist is crucial, getting a divorce from them can be highly difficult and emotionally draining. Having…

Does a Military Spouse Keep Benefits After Divorce? January 12, 2023

The divorce process can be emotionally and financially difficult, regardless of the circumstances. However, when the divorce involves a military service member, it can become even more complex because many more rules and unique situations apply to these cases that are not encountered during a civilian divorce. If you are in the process of separating from a US…

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If you find yourself wondering what your legal options are in your Tennessee or Colorado family law matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. During our initial consultation, we will quickly address your legal questions and decide on the best way to protect your interests, as well as those of your children.